Security: 2-Step Verification

For additional security, Emburse Cards requires that users log in with both a password and a unique code from their mobile device. 2-Step verification is set up when the user first creates an account.


If you're having issues with receiving with 2-Step verification, try these steps:

  1. Double check that you have entered the code in correctly. The code is unique to your account.
  2. Resend the code. This will send a new code to your mobile phone.
  3. Call phone will call the mobile device with the code instead of sending the code through text messages.
  4. Update your phone number
  5. Double check that these phone number is not blocked on your device: 1-415-200-1300 and 1-844 933-2828
If you're still not receiving the code after following these steps, please submit a support request here.


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