Once you receive a physical Emburse Cards card, follow the instructions listed on the sticker of the card. (Please note, in order to activate the card with this process, you must be assigned to the card in Emburse)
Emburse Cards can only be activated by the assignee of the card. Admins can no longer activate the card on someone's behalf due to Stripe's updated Terms and Conditions.
Go to emburse.com/activate
There are three steps to activate the card:
1) Enter your email address. This is the email address where you received the notification about this card, typically your work email address.
2) You'll receive a message that an email has been sent to you with further instructions to activate your card.
3) Open the email, and click Activate Your Card.
4) Enter the last 4 digits listed on your card and enter the expiration date shown on the card. If you receive an error, please login to check and see that the card hasn't already been activated.
5) Next, confirm this is the card you want to activate by clicking Activate Card.
If you having any trouble, please contact Card Support with the last 4 digits of the card. You can submit a support request here
Alternatively, login and click on the card through the dashboard. For un-activated physical cards, press Activate Card to activate.