Have Reviewers and Admins approve transactions or mark them as out of policy after they occur.
Set up Expense Auditing
User must be an Admin, Accountant, or Reviewer to set up Expense Auditing.

- Go to the Expense Policy page
- Under "Expense Auditing," click on "+ Add Rule"
- Add requirements for when a transaction needs to be reviewed
- Click "Save"
Expense Auditing fields
- Over the amount: Dollar amount of transaction, i.e. over $100
- With a category of: Select one category from your list (i.e. GL codes)
- With a custom field of: Only enforce for transactions associated with a specific custom field
- With a location of: Select one location associated with the transaction
Edit Expense Auditing rules
- Go to the Expense Policy page
- Under "Expense Auditing", click on "v" to the right of the rule you want to edit
- Click "Edit"
- Make changes
- Click "Save"
Delete Expense Auditing rules
- Go to the Expense Policy page
- Under "Expense Auditing", click on "v" to the right of the rule you want to edit
- Click on "Delete"
Approve a transaction
After a transaction is made, a reviewer or an admin can go to the Transactions page to Approve a transaction.
Approve transaction
To approve a transaction, click on "Approve" under the transaction. A green triangle will appear for all transactions that are currently "Approved."

Undo Approval
To the right of a transaction, click on "v" and select "Undo Approval."

Out of Policy
If the transaction was made out of policy, click on "Out of Policy."
Read more about marking a transaction as out of policy here.