Click Transactions to view any expenses or transactions in your account.
Owners, admins, reviewers, managers, and accountants can view all transactions. If you're a member, you'll only see transactions associated with your own expenses.
Use the Dates & Amounts section to adjust the transaction reports by a specific time frame and dollar amount.
Click Reports to view charts of all transaction data by group or by date.
When viewing the report by Date, you'll see a line chart of transactions for the selected time frame.
Click Group to see a pie chart and percentage breakdown of transaction data from the selected time frame by any of the following options:
- card
- member
- category
- custom fields (i.e. departments)
- location
Click Reports again to collapse the chart view.
Find several options to filter transactions and locate exactly what you need for any expense auditing or reports, including:
- expense policy: assigned task, pending approval, ready for review, missing receipts
- cards: see transactions by one or more cards
- people: view transactions associated with a specific person
- categories: see transactions by one or more categories
- custom fields (departments): view transactions associated with a custom field
- locations: see transactions associated with one or more locations
Click any transaction to view its details and activity. For example, this shows all transactions in San Francisco across the marketing, transportation, and coffee categories since January 1, 2018: