Accounting Settings

The accounting settings offer options to customize bookkeeping. You can update the Department and Label title from your Accounting list to fit your accounting needs.

To access this, you must be an Admin on the account. You'll go to the wagon wheel at the top left of your account. 

Next, scroll until you find Accounting with Custom field labels. Hit Edit to change the "Department" and "Label" title:

Find these options for custom fields related to field names:

  1. Field name for the people that belong to your account, i.e., Department
  2. Field name for cards and transactions, i.e., Company Code

Both custom field options are used to organize your account. Find each custom field as a filterable option when viewing cards, transactions, or people.

Enter in a timeframe or amount of days to the Tasks section for members of your account to submit receipts. For example, receipts are due within 30 days means members should submit a receipt for any transactions within 30 days of the charge.

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